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  • Discovery Education is a flexible K-12 learning platform that connects educators to a vast collection of compelling, high-quality, standards-aligned content, ready-to-use digital lessons, and professional learning resources, including videos, reading passages, audiobooks, and podcasts.


    This Month at DE: October

    Searching for high-quality resources, innovative teaching tips, or festive October activities? Dive into the October Monthly Highlights newsletter—packed with exciting new content, timely tools, and fun events to support your classroom all month long! See October highlights!

  • Contact Us!

  • Erin Cummings
    Online Learning Innovation Specialist
    Gifted Liaison

17 Subject Specific Channels


Exciting Opportunties

  • Discovery Educator Network Workshop Series (DEN) - Register now to participate in the Spring 2024 DEN Workshop Series! Connect with a Discovery Education leader and other participants through three live, online professional learning sessions as you learn how to maximize Discovery Education resources to support all learners.

    THE FUTURE IS NOW: VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP! Discovery Education is partnering with Edge at Hudson Yards to take students on a virtual adventure into NYC’s newest and most forward-thinking neighborhood. Welcome to Edge, where marvels of modern engineering elevate the possibilities of everyday life to extraordinary heights. Students will explore new horizons in community building as they journey 1131 ft into the air to Edge, the highest outdoor skydeck in the Western hemisphere, for an unparalleled 360° view of the city and a behind-the-scenes look at amazing innovations of architecture and engineering.

DEN Star

  • Connecting Educators to Their Most Valuable Resource: Each Other

    Learn. Share. Connect.

    Trusted by educators since 2005, the Discovery Educator Network (DEN) offers you one of the most thriving professional learning networks in the world. DEN Members are dedicated to preparing learners for tomorrow by using digital resources and DE to create innovative classrooms connected to today’s world. They’re educators from all roles and backgrounds, joined by a passion for continuous learning and a commitment to their students.