- Chester County Intermediate Unit
- CCIU Ambassador Program

Welcome to the CCIU's Ambassador Program! This program is the perfect opportunity for employees who are strong supporters of the IU to connect with staff from other divisions while learning about and promoting CCIU programs and services.
Program FAQs
What is the purpose/goal of the CCIU Ambassador program?
To define the purpose of the CCIU Ambassador program, we must look again at the core of our CCIU brand. Our mission is to provide quality, innovative and cost-effective programs and services to enhance the lives of students, educators and members of our communities. What drives us in our mission and serves as the heart of what we do is the unending desire to build brighter futures together. This cannot be accomplished alone. As the saying goes, “it takes a village” and that village does not simply reside among our CCIU employees. That village encapsulates everyone within our community, both our physical communities and our social communities. It is a big task, but we build our village and our ability to achieve success together with each connection we make.
So, what is the purpose of the CCIU Ambassador program? It is about growing our village. It is about making connections. It is about sharing the joys of success. And it is about building brighter futures together.
What are the qualifications for being a CCIU Ambassador?
Employee ambassadors must have one year of employment with CCIU, either part-time or full-time, and can be of any classification (support, project, professional, etc.). Ambassadors are required to complete an application, which will require them to identify two colleagues who can provide a reference, including their current supervisor. They will be required to notify their colleagues prior to completing the application. Ambassadors are also encouraged to have an established personal social media account on at least one of these platforms: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
What are the expectations of a CCIU Ambassador?
Above all, ambassadors are expected to maintain a positive, professional presence when interacting with others, whether in person or online.
Other expectations include:
- Attend designated trainings
- Upload content to Class Intercom to post on CCIU social accounts
- Engage and share ambassador posts to personal social media account(s)
- Attend 3-4 ambassador meetings per year
- Provide a Glass Door review for CCIU
What is the term limit of a CCIU Ambassador?
CCIU ambassadors are expected to serve for a one-year term, with the option of continuing their ambassadorship for the following school year.
What are the benefits of being a CCIU Ambassador?
At this point, you may be asking yourself, “What’s in it for me?” Well, there are benefits to being a CCIU ambassador, including:
- An annual ambassador appreciation luncheon
- Opportunity to be selected as Ambassador of the Month, which includes a special feature in the Exchange newsletter and on the CCIU’s website
- Acknowledgment from the CCIU Board at a board meeting
- Opportunities to build your network internally and externally
- Opportunities to learn more about CCIU schools and programs
Will training be provided?
Yes. CCIU ambassadors will be trained to ensure that they are informed about the CCIU and social media best practices. Listed below are the topics that will be covered during trainings.
Class Intercom Training:
Class Intercom is a social media management platform used by CCIU to create, schedule and post content.
Social Media Training:
- How to conduct yourself online/best practices
- What to share/what not to share (including photo/privacy permissions)
- Review of the most advantageous times in the day to post based on audience behavior
- Importance of appropriate and timely responses to comments
- Use of Hashtags
- Posting vs. Reposting/retweeting
- Importance of directing their audience to CCIU resources when appropriate
- Tools and strategies for posting on stories (depending on platform)
CCIU Training:
- CCIU's mission, vision and beliefs
- CCIU branding and messaging
- Where/how to access or create content for posting
- Meetings with division directors and/or division secretaries to learn about the divisions and what they offer
Will I be required to use my personal social media account?
No. While we do require our ambassadors to have one established Facebook, Instagram and/or Twitter account, posting to your personal account is not required, but it is highly encouraged.
Questions? Contact us:
2022-23 Ambassador Cohort
CCIU Ambassador Committee Members
Ashley Boyd, Communications Manager
Kayla Meakim, Communications Specialist
Marc Raffa, Digital Media Specialist
Melissa Smith, Assistant Director, Communications, Marketing, and Engagement Division