- Chester County Intermediate Unit
- Programs & Services
- Adult Education Programs for Careers

The Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) is proud to offer innovative Adult Education programs at its three Technical College High School (TCHS) Campuses. Adults looking to earn industry certifications, licenses or general training in high-priority occupations are invited to explore the opportunities. Training opportunities vary based on funding and need.
The Practical Nursing Program prepares post-secondary students to pass the licensing exam and enter the nursing profession as a licensed practical nurse (LPN). Full-time and part-time programs are available at the TCHS Brandywine Campus.
Barbering (available at Brandywine Campus)
Work in our state-of-the-art classrooms and with our industry experts to earn certifications and skills. Intergenerational opportunities are subject to available classroom space and take place during the school day.
Tuition: $15 per hour
Cosmetology (available at all 3 TCHS campuses)
Work in our state-of-the-art classrooms and with our industry experts to earn certifications and skills. Intergenerational opportunities are subject to available classroom space and take place during the school day.
Tuition: $15 per hour
Cosmetology Teaching License (available at Pennock's Bridge)
Program Overview
This program provides adults with a certification to teach Cosmetology. Graduates of this program will earn a diploma and will also be able to sit for the Pennsylvania Cosmetology Teacher Licensing Exam through the PA State Board of Cosmetology after completion of 500 hours of instruction and successful completion of the program. A license is required to teach cosmetology in Pennsylvania.Program Details
This 500-hour program takes place Monday-Friday from 7:45 a.m. to 2:15 p.m. during the academic school year.Admission Requirements
Applicants are considered without regard to age, race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, non-job-related physical disability or any other legally protected classification. The following criteria must be met to complete enrollment:- Application for admission
- Enrollment agreement (applicant must be 18 years of age to sign or document must be co-signed by a parent or guardian)
- Student disclosure form
- High school diploma, certificate or other acceptable proof of graduation from an institution providing secondary education, or the equivalent of such graduation. A valid institution is one that is recognized as a provider of education by the U.S. Department of Education
Cost: $15 per hour -
Nail Technician (available at Pennock's Bridge Campus)
Program Overview
This program prepares adults to become a Nail Technician. Graduates of this program will earn hours towards certification and will also be able to sit for the Pennsylvania Cosmetology Nail Technician Exam through the PA State Board of Cosmetology after completion of 200 hours of instruction and successful completion of the Nail Technology program. A license is required in Pennsylvania.
Program Details
This 200-hour program takes place in the evenings on a semester schedule during the academic school year.
Admission Requirements
Applicants are considered without regard to age, race, color, creed, religion, sex, national origin, marital status, non-job related physical disability, or any other legally protected classification. The following criteria must be met to complete enrollment for adults:
- Application for admission
- Enrollment agreement (applicant must be 18 years of age to sign or document must be co-signed by a parent/guardian)
- Student disclosure form
- Proof of a minimum of tenth grade education or equivalent diploma from a valid institution. A valid institution is one that is recognized as a provider of education by the U.S. Department of Education
Cost: $3,299
Network Technician (available at CCIU – Boot Road Campus)
CCIU has partnered with NuPaths and Harrisburg University to bring a 7-month Network Technician training program to Chester County. A Network Technician supports the detection, containment, and remediation of IT threats. They monitor networks and applications to identify a possible cyber-attack or intrusion and help coordinate and report on cyber incident responses. The program includes 3 courses, business skills workshops, 5 certifications, 8 college credits and a project.
Class Timeline: Coming soon!
Tuition: $7,000
Complete this application form to get started.
Complete this form if you'd like more information about the program.
Any questions? Contact cciu@nupaths.org.
Exit, Enter, Employ (E3)
Program Overview:
The CCIU offers a Re-Entry Program training second chance citizens with entry level manufacturing skills creating a direct pathway to enter the manufacturing industry. Other components of the program include Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Thinking For A Change model) created by The National Institute of Corrections and Job Readiness Skills helping equip these individuals with the skills necessary to sustain long-term employment. After completing the program, graduates participate in a Career Fair with companies hiring second chance citizens, and have 1 year of follow-up support.Program Details:
Participants will receive Basic Manufacturing Training (Blueprint Reading, Basic Shop Math, Basics of Measurement and Equipment and Soft Skills), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Job Readiness training.Admission Requirements:
- Must be 18 or older
- Have prior justice system involvement
- Currently seeking stable, full-time employment
- Need additional training
Complete this application form to get started.
Heroes Rising: Veterans Training and Employment Program
Program Overview:
The Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) will put veterans to work in Chester County, PA, by providing a comprehensive program that addresses outreach to veterans, reserves, guard members, and their spouses, and provides assessments for needs, training, financial services, and employment services. Participants will be connected to social services, provided vocational, cognitive behavioral therapy, and comprehensive job readiness skills training, and connected to employers to begin a family-sustaining career experience.
The Heroes Rising Program will work to eradicate barriers for veterans, especially around mental health (PTSD) and financial assistance, as well as to assist with assessment, training, outreach, and employment needs to put veterans on a path to employment with training and supportive services. These efforts will ensure that veterans, reserves, guard members, and their spouses are on a path to regaining personal growth, stability, and a feeling of pride which improves mental health, financial growth, and an overall feeling of worth.
Program Details:
Participants will complete an application and interview with a success navigator. They will then be connected to social service agencies as identified, assessed for vocational interest and aptitudes, and a stipend will be made available for training and a separate stipend for other needs during training. Participants will also be connected to the CareerLink and its services, cognitive behavioral therapy, and job readiness training. Employment support will be available through various means.
Admission Requirements:
- Must be 18 years or older
- Have a military service history with a discharge other than dishonorable OR be a spouse of a military veteran with a discharge other than dishonorable
- Currently seeking stable, full-time employment
- Need additional training
Enroll here!
The benefits of CCIU courses include:
- Learning from industry experts to gain the skills necessary to obtain a job and thrive in a new career
- Affordable
- Flexible scheduling
- Networking opportunities with the CCIU’s many business and industry partners
If you are interested in customized training for your business, please contact AdultEducation@cciu.org.