- Chester County Intermediate Unit
- Programs & Services
- Adult Services for Individuals with Special Needs

The Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) is proud to offer a continuum of services throughout a consumer’s lifespan, from birth through adulthood. The Adult Services programs are person-centered and growth-oriented in order to provide learning opportunities to each of our uniquely special consumers. And as always, services are offered by our experienced staff members you know you can count on.
The CCIU has been a trusted provider of services across Chester County since 1971. Today, services are provided to nearly 86,000 public and non-public students and over 6,000 educators throughout our community and beyond.
The CCIU employs trusted, experienced staff members that maintain the highest level of integrity and professionalism that is enhanced by our community partnerships.
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The CCIU provides Adult Support Services in accordance with the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and the Office of Long-term Living (OLTL) waivers/Community Health Choice regulations.
Achieve is a program for adults with disabilities, ages 21 and older, who wish to develop a wide range of life skills while engaging and participating in their community.
Achieve uses a person-centered approach to develop learning opportunities based on the unique skills and interests of the individual.
Community participation activities are based upon the unique interests of the consumer and may include:
- The local library
- Local points of interest
- Seasonal activities in the local community
- Local stores and restaurants
- Parks
- The gym
- Utilizing public transit
Program site activities may include:
- Communication skill building
- Creative engagement with arts and music
- Reading and playing games
- Meal preparation
- Pre-vocational skill building
- Sensory engagement
Program time:
Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Program location:
Mill Town Square Shopping Center (150 E. Pennsylvania Ave., Suite 430, Downingtown, PA 19335)
Individual Services
The CCIU provides Adult Support Services in accordance with the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP).
Each participant must:
- Have an active Individual Service Plan (ISP)
The CCIU will:
- Work with the ISP team to determine the specific needs of each participant
- Ensure that all service providers meet the qualifications and training required by regulations
- Assist participants transitioning to adulthood to ensure a continuity of care
- Provide high-quality services
The Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) provides the following support services for adults 21 and over.
In-home and Community Supports:
Provided in home and community settings to assist participants in acquiring, maintaining and improving the skills necessary to live in the community, to live more independently and to participate meaningfully in community life.
Companion Services:
Offered to individuals living in private residences for the purposes of providing supervision and minimal assistance that is focused solely on the health and safety of the adult individual with an intellectual disability.
Supports Coordination:
Offered to individuals receiving services under the Adult Autism Waiver (AAW). Supports coordinators meet annually with the consumer, their family and any other members the consumer deems relevant to acquire information to develop and update the participants Individual Service Plans in order to determine needs and help locate providers to deliver the necessary services.
Employment Services
The CCIU provides Adult Support Services in accordance with the Office of Developmental Programs (ODP) and the Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR).
Program Features:
- Job skills training with a qualified and knowledgeable staff
- Established partnerships with an extensive number of community businesses throughout Chester County
- State-of-the art facility and resources available to support job search and development
- Approved waiver provider for continuum of employment supports (as needed)
The Chester County Intermediate Unit (CCIU) provides the following employment services for adults 21 and over.
Community-Based Work Assessment
- Determines if competitive integrated employment is an appropriate vocational goal
Nonperformance-Based Supported Employment
- Job mentoring
- Job retention
- Intermittent supported employment
Performance-Based Supported Employment
- Job development
- Job placement
- Job maintenance
- Job stabilization
Extended and Follow Along Services
- Provides support for those who have not yet achieved stability in their job or who need additional support to maintain their employment