- Chester County Intermediate Unit
- Discovery Education
17 Subject Specific Channels
Building Teacher Capacity
Building teacher capacity is crucial in supporting students in the classroom as well as providing opportunities for teacher growth in their field. By nurturing teachers knowledge of best practices, they are encouraged to try new strategies and work to find new ways to meet the needs of their students. Whether it’s learning more about Discovery Education or other trending educational topics, DE has the resources to support teachers in growing in their craft.
Career Readiness: Future Ready PA
To support PA Districts in efforts to meet Future Ready requirements, we have compiled a list of channels that support Career Readiness.
Differentiation and Personalization
Discovery Education offers many ways to engage students daily with compelling content, tools, and strategies. Our learning platform provides timely standards-aligned resources, useful teaching and assessment tools, and dynamic professional learning to give educators everything they need to create a lasting impact for all learners.
Discovery Education Flyers_Differentiation and Personalization.pdf 544.6 KB (Last Modified on April 6, 2022) -
English and Language Arts
To support teaching and learning, we’ve compiled a list of our most popular channels supporting English and Language Arts.
English Language Learners
The fastest-growing population in U.S. schools, English Language Learners (ELLs) face the complex challenge of learning rigorous academic subject matter while simultaneously mastering a new language.
At Discovery Education, we continuously strive to create, curate, and contextualize content within our services that ensures accessibility, equity, and representation for all students and educators. The value of diverse and inclusive learning experiences is unmatched, and we want to support all educators in bringing this value to their schools and classrooms.
Financial Literacy
To support teaching and learning, we’ve compiled a list of our most popular channels supporting financial literacy.
Health & Wellness
To support teaching and learning, we’ve compiled a list of our most popular channels supporting health and wellness.
Standards-aligned content and resources help students build background knowledge that strengthens reading comprehension and fluency, while also developing academic vocabulary.
To support teaching and learning, we’ve compiled a list of our most popular channels supporting math.
Physical Education
To support teaching and learning, we’ve compiled a list of our most popular channels supporting physical education.
To support teaching and learning, we’ve compiled a list of our most popular channels supporting science.
Social Emotional Learning
Discovery Education supports SEL through robust content collections and instructional strategies, all available to both teachers and students within the K-12 learning platform.
Social Studies
To support teaching and learning, we’ve compiled a list of our most popular channels supporting social studies.
Special Education
Discovery Education provides many supports for all types of learners—including Special Education—through the use of instructional strategies and the features of multimodal text and resources. By providing multiple means of engagement, representation, or action and expression, Discovery Education’s resources and tools support students no matter what level they are.
To support teaching and learning, we’ve compiled a list of our most popular channels supporting STEM.
Visual and Performing Arts
To support teaching and learning, we’ve compiled a list of our most popular channels supporting visual and performing arts.