Driver Testing Center

  • Who do we serve?

  • Are the CCIU Driver Testing Centers separate from PennDOT and the Department of Motor Vehicles?

  • How quickly can I be scheduled for an appointment?

  • Whose car is used for the driver’s testing exam?

  • Can I practice parallel parking at either of the CCIU Driver Testing Centers?

  • Can I take my permit test at the Driver Testing Center?

  • Where can CCIU Driver Education students take their driver’s testing exam to acquire their license?

  • If I pass the road test, will I receive my driver’s license right away?

  • What are the Driver Testing Center fees?

  • What do I need to bring with me to take the driver’s testing exam at a CCIU Driver Testing Center?

  • What are the requirements for testing?

  • Will I be charged if I need to cancel or reschedule my driver’s testing exam?

  • If I need to retest, how long do I have to wait to reschedule?

  • Where are the Driver Testing Centers located?

  • What are the Driver Testing Centers' hours of operation?

  • How do I schedule an appointment?